Warts and verruca's are small lumps on the skin that most people have at some point in their life.
Warts are not harmful, but some people find them itchy, painful or embarrassing. Verruca's are more likely to be painful – like standing on a needle.
Struggling with a stubborn verruca can be really frustrating. Often, over the counter treatments are not effective and your battle with a stubborn verruca can seem never ending!
The most common appearance is that of a small cauliflower-type growth on the soles of your feet with tiny black dots. If it is painful when you pinch the area (like when you squeeze a spot), you are likely to have a verruca. They can grow to 1cm in diameter and may spread into a cluster of small warts.

What is Verrutop?

It is a professional treatment for the removal of benign skin lesions such as:
Skin Tags
How does it work?
Verrutop is effective for even the most stubborn of warts and verruca in just afew applications due to its unique nitric acid and zinc combination.
Is it Painful?
Great News! The treatment is quick and simple and it involves:
NO Cuts
NO Bleeding
NO Numbing or anaesthetic even in children
The treatment is extremely precise. This means that is only affects the targeting tissue leaving healthy tissue untouched with no scarring.